Specifies if a computer performing dynamic DNS registration will register A and PTR resource records with a concatenation of its computer name and a connection-specific DNS suffix in addition to registering these records with a concatenation of its computer name and the primary DNS suffix.By default a DNS client performing dynamic DNS registration registers A and PTR resource records with a concatenation of its computer name and the primary DNS suffix. For example a computer name of mycomputer and a primary DNS suffix of microsoft.com will be registered as: mycomputer.microsoft.com.If you enable this policy setting a computer will register A and PTR resource records with its connection-specific DNS suffix in addition to the primary DNS suffix. This applies to all network connections used by computers that receive this policy setting.For example with a computer name of mycomputer a primary DNS suffix of microsoft.com and a connection specific DNS suffix of VPNconnection a computer will register A and PTR resource records for mycomputer.VPNconnection and mycomputer.microsoft.com when this policy setting is enabled.Important: This policy setting is ignored on a DNS client computer if dynamic DNS registration is disabled.If you disable this policy setting or if you do not configure this policy setting a DNS client computer will not register any A and PTR resource records using a connection-specific DNS suffix.
Network\DNS Client
At least Windows Server 2003 operating systems or Windows XP Professional
HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\DNSClient!RegisterAdapterName