Audit Special Logon

This security policy setting determines whether the operating system generates audit events when:
A special logon is used. A special logon is a logon that has administrator-equivalent privileges and can be used to elevate a process to a higher level.

A member of a special group logs on. Special Groups is a Windows feature that enables the administrator to find out when a member of a certain group has logged on. The administrator can set a list of group security identifiers (SIDs) in the registry. If any of these SIDs is added to a token during logon and this auditing subcategory is enabled, a security event is logged. For more information about this feature, see article 947223 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (

Users holding special privileges can potentially make changes to the system. It is recommended to track their activity.

Event volume: Low

If this policy setting is configured, the following event is generated. The event appears on computers running Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, or Windows Vista.

  • 4964: Special groups have been assigned to a new logon.





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