Run Windows PowerShell scripts first at user logon logoff

This policy setting determines whether Windows PowerShell scripts are run before non-Windows PowerShell scripts during user logon and logoff. By default Windows PowerShell scripts run after non-Windows PowerShell scripts. If you enable this policy setting within each applicable Group Policy Object (GPO) PowerShell scripts are run before non-PowerShell scripts during user logon and logoff. For example assume the following scenario: There are three GPOs (GPO A GPO B and GPO C). This policy setting is enabled in GPO A. GPO B and GPO C include the following user logon scripts:GPO B: B.cmd B.ps1GPO C: C.cmd C.ps1Assume also that there are two users Qin Hong and Tamara Johnston. For Qin GPOs A B and C are applied. Therefore the scripts for GPOs B and C run in the following order for Qin:Within GPO B: B.ps1 B.cmdWithin GPO C: C.ps1 C.cmd For Tamara GPOs B and C are applied but not GPO A. Therefore the scripts for GPOs B and C run in the following order for Tamara:Within GPO B: B.cmd B.ps1Within GPO C: C.cmd C.ps1Note: This policy setting determines the order in which user logon and logoff scripts are run within all applicable GPOs. You can override this policy setting for specific script types within a specific GPO by configuring the following policy settings for the GPO: User Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Scripts (Logon/Logoff)\LogonUser Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Scripts (Logon/Logoff)\LogoffThis policy setting appears in the Computer Configuration and User Configuration folders. The policy setting set in Computer Configuration takes precedence over the setting set in User Configuration.

Policy path: 




Supported on: 

At least Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7

Registry settings: 




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