The Server service provides RPC support, file printing, and named-pipe sharing over the network. It allows local resources, such as disks and printers, to be shared so that other users on the network can access them. It also allows named-pipe communication for applications that run between computers. Named-pipe communication reserves memory for the output of one process to be used as input for another process. The input-acceptance process does not need to be local to the computer.
If the Server service stops or if you disable it, the computer cannot share local files and printers with other computers on the network, and it cannot satisfy remote RPC requests.
The Server service is installed by default and its startup type is Automatic.
When the Server service is started in its default configuration, it logs on by using the Local System account.
The Server service is dependent upon the following system components:
- Security Accounts Manager
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- DCOM Server Process Launcher
- RPC Endpoint Mapper
- Server SMB Driver
- Server SMB Driver
The following system components are dependent on the Server service:
- Computer Browser
- HomeGroup Listener