Turn off the flip ahead with page prediction feature

This policy setting determines whether a user can swipe across a screen or click Forward to go to the next pre-loaded page of a website.Microsoft collects your browsing history to improve how flip ahead with page prediction works. This feature isn't available for Internet Explorer for the desktop.If you enable this policy setting flip ahead with page prediction is turned off and the next webpage isn't loaded into the background.If you disable this policy setting flip ahead with page prediction is turned on and the next webpage is loaded into the background.If you don't configure this setting users can turn this behavior on or off using the Settings charm.

Policy path: 

Windows Components\Internet Explorer\Internet Control Panel\Advanced Page



Supported on: 

At least Internet Explorer 10.0 on Windows 8

Registry settings: 

HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\FlipAhead!Enabled



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